Build a Text Translator Web App using Flask and Azure Cognitive Services
We’re going to create a website that will translate text into multiple languages using Artificial Intelligence(AI). We’ll use Flask framework for the Front end and Azure Cognitive Services(collection of AI services) for the Back end....
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Django Introduction | Set 2 (Creating a Project)
Note- This article is in continuation of Django introduction....
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Boolean Data Type
In programming languages, we have various data types to store different types of data. Some of the most used data types are integer, string, float, and boolean. The boolean data type is a type of data that stores only two types of values i.e. True or False. These values are not case-sensitive depending upon programming languages. The name Boolean comes from the branch of mathematics called Boolean algebra, named after George Bool the mathematician....
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Flask Development Server
What is Flask?...
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Build GUI Application Pencil Sketch from Photo in Python
In this article, we will cover how to convert images to watercolor sketches and pencil sketch Linux....
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Google Geo-coding Web Service (JSON response)
Prerequisite : JSON Formatting in Python Google has an excellent web service that allows us to make use of their large database of geographic information...
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Difference between Django and PHP
In the present world, many new frameworks have emerged in web technology. One such framework is Django which is based on Python. PHP has been in use for several years and has been serving as a powerful scripting language especially for backend connectivity. This article compares and contrasts Django and PHP....
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Deploying Scrapy spider on ScrapingHub
What is ScrapingHub ?...
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Blockchain as a Service Platform – Easy to use
With the growth of the crypto market, the demand for blockchain has increased and people are seeking various possibilities of growth and taking interest in blockchain as a service platform. There are so many applications of blockchain which are the best things of blockchain as a tool platform for business. Its applications are making the scope of Blockchain as a tool platform broader day by day over time and blockchain as a service platform can be used independently from a cryptocurrency....
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Django+React Full Stack Development Setup using Dact
When we work on a project having Django as our Back-end and having a powerful front-end using React, the development setup takes a significant amount of time to setup – configuring Babel, Webpack, URLs, views, etc.  We used to set up this earlier to get started with ReactJS before npx create-react-app came....
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Wikipedia search app Project using Django
Django is a high-level Python  based Web Framework that allows rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.  It is also called batteries included framework because Django provides built-in features for everything including Django Admin Interface, default database – SQLlite3, etc. Today we will create joke app in django....
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Django shortcuts: get_list_or_404()
Some functions are hard as well as boring to code each and every time. But Django users don’t have to worry about that because Django has some awesome built in functions to make our work easy and enjoyable. Let’s discuss get_list_or_404() here....
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