How to create a new project in Django using Firebase Database?
Django is a Python-based web framework that allows you to quickly create efficient web applications. If you are new to Django then you can refer to Django Introduction and Installation. Here we are going to learn How to create a Django project using Firebase as Database ....
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Web Scraping Coronavirus Data into MS Excel
Prerequisites: Web Scraping using BeautifulSoup...
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Implement Search Autocomplete For Input Fields in Django
Django is a high-level Python  based Web Framework that allows rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.  It is also called batteries included framework because Django provides built-in features for everything including Django Admin Interface, default database – SQLlite3, etc. Today we will create joke app in django....
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Difference Between Django and Node.js
Django and Node.js are two popular technologies for web development, each with its strengths and best use cases. While Django is a high-level Python web framework, Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. In this article, we will explore the key differences between Django and Node.js, highlighting their architectures, performance, scalability, use cases, and ecosystems....
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Subdomain in Flask | Python
Prerequisite: Introduction to Flask...
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Create a new Django project in Pycharm using Pycharm Terminal
PyCharm is one of the most popular Python-IDE developed by JetBrains used for performing scripting in Python language. PyCharm provides many useful features like Code completion and inspection, Debugging process, support for various programming frameworks such as Flask and Django, Package Management, etc. PyCharm provides various tools for productive development mainly in Python....
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Creating a Proxy Webserver in Python | Set 2
Prerequisite: Creating a Proxy Webserver in Python – Set1...
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Template Inheritance in Flask
Template inheritance is a very good feature of Jinja templating . Jinja is a web template engine for the Python programming language . We have seen that webpages of a website contains same footer , navigation bar etc.  So instead of making same footer and navigation bar in all webpages separately , we make use of template inheritance , which allows us to create the part which is same in all webpages (eg. footer,navigation bar) only once and we also don’t need to write the html , head , title tag again and again . Lets define the common structure of web pages in base.html file. First of all we will render  template using flask from file ....
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Introduction to Dash in Python
Dash is a Python framework for building analytical web applications. Dash helps in building responsive web dashboards that is good to look at and is very fast without the need to understand complex front-end frameworks or languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Let’s build our first web dashboard using Dash....
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Difference between Python and JavaScript
Python and JavaScript are both popular programming languages, each with distinct features. Python emphasizes readability and simplicity, ideal for tasks like data analysis and backend development, while JavaScript is primarily used for web development, offering dynamic and interactive functionality directly in web browsers....
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RichTextField – Django Models
RichTextField is generally used for storing paragraphs that can store any type of data. Rich text is the text that is formatted with common formatting options, such as bold, italics, images, URLs that are unavailable with plain text....
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How to Deploy Django application on Heroku ?
Django is an MVT web framework used to build web applications. It is robust, simple, and helps web developers to write clean, efficient, and powerful code. In this article, we will learn how to deploy a Django project on Heroku in simple steps. For this, a Django project should be ready, visit the following link to prepare one:
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