ZopSmart Interview Experience for (On-Campus) 2023

Round 1 (Online Assessment – 50 Minutes):

There were 4 coding questions:

Round 2 (Speaking Skill – 3 minutes):

I spoke on a topic of my choice from the given options: “Your Role Model,” “Steps toward Sustainable Environment,” or “Your Favorite Book/Movie.”

Round 3 (Technical Interview I – 45 minutes):

The interviewer introduced herself and asked me to introduce myself. Then she asked me the basics of OOPS, Projects,

SQL Questions: DML, DDL, DCL, TCL; Joins, Sets, Acid Properties, Normalization, Second Highest Salary SQL Query.

3 Coding Questions: Reverse an array using recursion, Preorder Traversal of tree (both recursive, iterative), Implement stack using array.

Round 4 (Technical Interview II – 45 minutes):

Interviewer asked me :

Operating System Questions: Process vs Threads, Cache memory, Scheduling algorithm, Deadlock.

3 coding Questions:

Round 5 (Technical Interview III – 45 minutes):

This round, led by the company’s CTO, delved into three complex SQL queries and networking concepts, including the number of IP addresses in a subnet mask. The coding challenges involved efficiently reversing a stack with minimal memory requirements and Reversing alternate K nodes in a Linked List. We also engaged in a discussion about my favorite technology, where I shared insights into Deep Learning.

Round 6 (HR Round – 10 minutes):

Interviewer asked me :

  • Tell me about yourself, Family Background, Hobbies.
  • What do you know about company?