Insert data from one table to another table using PHP
In this article, we are going to insert data into another table from the existing table using PHP....
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How to retrieve data from MySQL database using PHP ?
There are steps to understand for retrieving the data from the MySQL database....
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What are the different MySQL database engines ?
Database engines are MySQL components that can handle SQL operations like create, read, update data from a database. There are two types of engines in MySQL:  transactional and non-transactional.InnoDB is the default engine for MySQL 5.5 and above versions. Major DBMS uses an application programming interface(API) to enable the interaction of users with database engines. It is very necessary to know about the engines for production databases and it also impacts future development. To access the list of available MySQL engines we run SHOW ENGINES; query....
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How to execute an SQL query and fetch results using PHP ?
In this article, we will discuss how to execute an SQL query and how to fetch its result?...
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PHP – Mysql LIKE Operator
Problem Statement :...
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CRUD Operation in MySQL Using PHP, Volley Android – Read Data
In the previous article, we have performed the insert data operation. In this article, we will perform the Read data operation. Before performing this operation first of all we have to create a new PHP script for reading data from SQL Database....
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Project Idea | Automated Resume Builder
Project Title: Automated Resume Builder...
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How to connect multiple MySQL databases on a single webpage ?
This article explains how to connect multiple MySQL databases into a single webpage. It is useful to access data from multiple databases....
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How to Connect Node.js Application to MySQL ?
To connect the Node App to the MySQL database we can utilize the mysql package from Node Package Manager. This module provides pre-defined methods to create connections, query execution and perform other database related operations....
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How to specify the type of files that server accepts in HTML5 ?
In this article, we will learn how to specify the types of files that the server accepts in HTML5. The <input> accept attribute is used to specify the type of file that the server accepts. This attribute can be used with <input type=”file”> element only. This attribute is not used for validation tools because file uploads should be validated on the Server....
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Difference between PERN and MERN stack
What is a stack, if you are familiar with full-stack development you might have come across the terms MEAN, MERN, MEVN, etc. These are web stacks consisting of a collection of software and frameworks used for building a web application from the front-end and back-end. You can learn any of these stacks to become a Full-stack developer....
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How to get ID of the last updated row in MySQL?
Many times, we require updating the data based on the last updated table id....
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