Node.js MySQL Create Table
Introduction: Learn to create a table in MySQL database using NodeJS. We will see how to use the Create Table command in NodeJS using the MySQL module....
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Aggregate Queries
MongoDB is a NoSQL document model database, and it is mainly used in Big Data analysis like election poll results, growth of an industry in the past few years, etc., For doing huge computations, in MongoDB, we use aggregation....
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How to Install WordPress on the Linux Apache MySQL and PHP stack ?
WordPress is one of the commonly used Content Management systems on the web. It is written in PHP web servers like Apache are enough to run it. WordPress supports MySQL and MariaDB, but MySQL is widely used. This tutorial will help you to run WordPress using the LAMP(Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack on your Linux machine (probably VPS)....
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Node.js MySQL SUM() Function
We use the SUM() function in MySQL to get Sum of the value of some columns....
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How to make a connection with MySQL server using PHP ?
MySQL is a widely used database management system that may be used to power a wide range of projects. One of its main selling features is its capacity to manage large amounts of data without breaking a sweat. There are two approaches that can be used to connect MySQL and PHP code, which are mentioned below....
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Create a Hospital Management System using PHP and MySQL
The Hospital Management System (HMS) is a robust and efficient solution designed to streamline the processes within a healthcare facility. This project is built using PHP and MySQL, offering a user-friendly interface for managing patient information, appointments, and other essential aspects of hospital administration....
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Node.js MySQL FORMAT() Function
FORMAT() function is a built-in function in MySQL that is used to format input numbers in the format of …**, ***, *** also, round float numbers to a specific number of decimal places....
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Online FIR Web App using PHP with MySQL
In this article, we are going to build an Online FIR Web Application using PHP with MySQL. In this application, we can file cases from anywhere by their name, complaint, status (pending or solved), and date of incidence, date of registration. Only the admin can view, delete and update status. A complete list of all cases can be seen by only the admin....
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In this article, we are going to perform a database operation that includes an intersection of two tables using PHP in xampp server. So, we are taking the student database....
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Firestore and its advantages
Introduction :...
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Node.js MySQL Limit Clause
LIMIT Clause is used to set the maximum size of the number of rows in the output of SQL Query....
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Node.js MySQL Order By Clause
Introduction: We use the SQL ORDER BY Clause to sort the data with respect to some column value in ascending or descending order....
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