Node.js MySQL INSERT() Function
INSERT() function is a built-in function in MySQL that is used to insert a string into another string at some position after deleting some characters from it....
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Node.js MySQL LENGTH() Function
LENGTH() Function is a Builtin function in MySQL which is used to get length of given string in bytes....
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NodeJS MySQL Max() Function
We will be using Max() function in MySQL to get Maximum value of some particular column....
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Project Idea | Technical Wizard – A Quiz Application
Project Title: Technical Wizard – A Quiz Application...
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DataBase Operations through XAMPP Console
In this article, we are going to perform database operations in My SQL Xampp Server using Xampp tool. We will perform the following operation as follows....
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Node.js MySQL OR Operator
NodeJs: An open-source platform for executing javascript code on the server-side. Also, a javascript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. It can be downloaded from here. Mysql  An open-source Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that uses Structured Query Language (SQL). It is the most popular language for adding, accessing, and managing content in a database. Here we will use the Mysql as a database for our node application. It can be downloaded from here....
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Node.js MySQL FIELD() Function
FIELD() function is a built-in function in MySQL that is used to get the position of the first occurrence of a value in a set of expressions. In the case of string values, it is not case-sensitive....
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How to Make a search function using Node Express and MYSQL
In this article, we will learn how to create a search function using Node with Express framework to search terms inside MYSQL tables....
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PHP MySQL ROUND() Function
In this article, we are going to see how MySQL ROUND() function works in PHP. The MySQL ROUND() function is used to round a number to specified decimal places. If no specified decimal places is provided for round-off then it rounds off the number to the nearest integer....
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How to make a Todo App using PHP & MySQL ?
To create a Todo App using PHP and MySQL, you’ll first need to set up a MySQL database to store the tasks. Then, use PHP to create a web interface where users can add, edit, and delete tasks. PHP will handle the backend logic, such as connecting to the database and performing CRUD operations. Finally, use HTML and CSS to design the frontend interface, making it user-friendly and visually appealing....
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PERN vs PEAN Stack
PERN Stack: PERN stack is a technology that uses PostgreSQL, Express, React, and Node.js to construct a full-fledged self-independent web application....
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Node.js MySQL FIND_IN_SET() Function
FIND_IN_SET() function is a built-in function in MySQL that is used to get the position of the first occurrence of value string in a list of strings separated by comma(‘,’)....
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