How to insert request body into a MySQL database using Express js
If you trying to make an API with MySQL and Express JS to insert some data into the database, your search comes to an end. In this article, you are going to explore – how you can insert the request data into MySQL database with a simple Express JS app....
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How to connect the Database with PHP DOM page ?
In this article, we will see how to connect the database with the PHP DOM page?...
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Node.js MySQL TRIM() Function
TRIM() function is a built-in function in MySQL that is used to trim all spaces from both sides of the input string....
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Node.js MySQL AVG() Function
We use AVG Function to get the average value of all rows in the given column of MySQL Table....
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PHP – My SQL : abs() – numeric function
Problem Statement :...
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Create a Small CRM using PHP and MySQL
CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management, which is a strategy for a set of practices, and a technology designed to manage and analyze customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle. Manage contacts by adding, updating, and deleting information such as name, email, phone, and company. The system includes a date-filtering feature for sorting contacts....
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Node.js MySQL CONCAT_WS() Function
CONCAT_WS() function is a built-in function in MySQL that is used to concatenate a set of strings with a commonly given separator....
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Node.js MySQL LOWER() Function
LOWER() Function is a Builtin function in MySQL which is used to convert all characters of given string to lowercase....
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Mastering JWT authentication in Express
While creating any application it is very important to add authentication to ensure that only authorized users can access the protected resources. A JSON Web Token (JWT) is a JSON object utilized to securely transmit information between two parties over the web. Primarily employed in authentication systems, JWTs can also facilitate secure data exchange. In this tutorial, we’ll see the process of implementing JWT-based authentication in Express.js....
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Node.js MySQL SUBSTRING() Function
SUBSTRING() function is a built-in function in MySQL that is used to get a substring of input string between given range inclusive....
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Node.js MySQL UPPER() Function
UPPER() function is a built-in function in MySQL that is used to convert all characters of a given string to uppercase....
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Node.js MySQL Drop Table
DROP TABLE Query is used to Delete or Drop a table from MySQL Database....
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