Difference between MEAN Stack and LAMP Stack Developer
1. MEAN Stack Developer: MEAN refers to...
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How to make a leaderboard using PHP ?
The purpose of this article is to make a simple program to create a leaderboard using PHP. Below is the implementation for the same using PHP.  The prerequisites of this topic are PHP/MySQL and the installment of Apache Server on your computer....
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How to connect sqlite3 database using Node.js ?
In this article, we are going to see how to connect the sqlite3 database using nodejs. So for this, we are going to use the Database function which is available in sqlite3....
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The ORDER BY Clause can be used along with the SELECT statement to sort the data of specific fields in an ordered way. It is used to sort the result-set in ascending or descending order....
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Node.js MySQL NULL Values
In this article, will learn to handle NULL values and make Query on the basis of NULL values....
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Node.js MySQL Delete Query
We use SQL DELETE Query to delete data with some condition from MySQL Table....
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PHP – MySQL : Nested Query
In this article, we are going to perform nested query operations on the database in the MySQL server using the Xampp server....
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PHP – MySQL min(),max() aggregate operations
In this article, we are going to find minimum and maximum details from the table column using PHP from MySQL Xampp server. We are taking an example from employee database to find the minimum and maximum salary of the employee....
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PHP | mysqli_error() Function
The mysqli_error() function is used to return the error in the most recent MySQL function call that failed. If there are multiple MySQL function calls, the error in the last statement is the one that is pointed out by the function....
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NodeJS MySQL Create Database
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PHP-My SQL avg() aggregate function
In this article, we are going to find the average of the column in the SQL database using PHP in Xampp server. We are taking an example of a food database to find the average cost of all the items of food. Let’s discuss it one by one....
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Database Backup from MySQL
Here, The database creating now a day is very important for daily work. The database creates from the MySQL that can be transferred from one system to another and also make it secure from the destroy. Sometimes the system gets corrupted by some faults, so the created database is clear. So there is an option to create a backup of a database from the MySQL wamp server....
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