What are Providers in React Redux?
AdvantagesProvider is like a supervisor for your Redux store. It’s a special component provided by the React Redux library that wraps around your entire React application. This Provider component ensures that all components inside your app can access the Redux store and its state without having to pass it down manually through component props....
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Explain the use of the yup library for form validation.
The ‘yup' library is a JavaScript library commonly used for schema validation, particularly in the context of form validation. Yup helps validate data against a predefined schema. It’s often used in JavaScript applications, especially those built with frameworks like React, to ensure that the data entered into forms meets certain criteria or rules....
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What is Logger middleware in React Redux ?
Logger middleware is a tool that helps users understand what’s happening behind the scenes in their Redux-powered React applications. It logs information about each action that gets dispatched in your app, along with the state before and after the action is processed....
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How to install Express in a Node project?
Node is a server-side JavaScript runtime that enables efficient handling of concurrent connections, making it ideal for building fast and scalable network applications. It excels in real-time applications and boasts a rich ecosystem of packages for server-side development....
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How to handle redirects in Express JS?
Express JS uses redirects to send users from one URL to another. This can be done for various reasons, such as handling outdated URLs or guiding users through a process. In ExpressJS, you define routes and use them to direct users to the desired URL. It’s a way to keep your application organized and user-friendly....
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How to combine useContext with useReducer?
Combining useContext with useReducer in React allows you to manage a global state more effectively by providing a centralized state management solution....
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Difference between res.send() and res.json() in Express
res.send() is a method used to send a response back to the client. It’s a versatile function that can handle various types of responses, such as HTML, plain text, or even binary data. When you use res.send(), Express automatically sets the appropriate Content-Type header based on the type of data you’re sending....
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How to handle asynchronous operations in Node ?
NodeJS, renowned for its asynchronous and event-driven architecture, offers powerful mechanisms for handling asynchronous operations efficiently. Understanding how to manage asynchronous operations is crucial for NodeJS developers to build responsive and scalable applications....
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How do you deploy a React application?
Deploying a React application is the process of making your React project accessible on the internet so that users can interact with it. It involves several steps to ensure your application is properly built, uploaded to a hosting service, and configured to work correctly in a live environment. This process allows you to share your application with others and make it available for public use. Let’s break down the steps involved in deploying a React application to make it easier to understand and follow....
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What does useImperativeHandle do, and when do we use it?
useImperativeHandle is a hook provided by React that allows you to customize the instance value that is exposed when a parent component calls ref on a child component. When you use ref to get access to a child component, normally you would get the entire instance of that component. But sometimes you might not want the parent to have access to everything inside the child component, just specific functions or values....
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How to simulate componentDidMount with useEffect?
componentDidMount is a lifecycle method that runs after a component has been mounted or rendered to the DOM. It’s often used for tasks like fetching data from an API or setting up event listeners....
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How to create a simple HTTP server in Node ?
NodeJS provides a straightforward way to create HTTP servers, allowing developers to build web applications and APIs without relying on external web servers like Apache or Nginx. Let’s explore how to create a simple HTTP server in NodeJS....
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