When should we use useLayoutEffect instead of useEffect?
useLayoutEffect is used when you want to update how the webpage looks right after it’s rendered. This ensures that changes happen immediately before the browser shows anything on the screen. It’s crucial for tasks like measuring element sizes or positioning elements accurately based on their layout....
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Explain the concept of streams in Node
Streams in Node provide an efficient way to handle data flowing through an application. They allow you to read from or write to a source continuously, processing chunks of data as they become available, without needing to load the entire dataset into memory at once....
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Explain the benefits of using Styled Components.
Using Styled Components in a React application offers several benefits, which contribute to improved development experience, code maintainability, and performance....
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What is state normalization in Redux applications?
Normalization in Redux applications is a vital process aimed at structuring data efficiently. Much like organizing a library, it involves categorizing books by author, genre, or topic onto shelves. By ensuring each piece of data has its designated place, duplication is eliminated, complexity is reduced, and performance is improved. This approach fosters a more organized and efficient application overall....
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What is the motivation for using React Redux?
React Redux makes handling data in big applications easier. It acts like a connection between different parts of your app (React components) and a central place where all the important data is stored (Redux). This ensures everyone is working with the same up-to-date information, making your app organized and development smoother....
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How useEffect replaces componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate methods?
In React, the useEffect hook can be used to replicate the behavior of both componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate lifecycle methods....
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Can you explain what the useState hook does in React Hooks?
The useState hook is a feature in React Hooks that allows you to add state to functional components. It creates state variables and manages their values within a functional component....
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How do you debug Node applications?
Debugging is a crucial aspect of software development, including NodeJS applications. NodeJS offers several built-in debugging options and tools to help developers identify and fix issues efficiently. Let’s explore some common techniques and tools for debugging NodeJS applications....
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When is it best to use custom hooks instead of built-in React hooks?
Custom hooks in React are useful when you want to extract and reuse stateful logic across multiple components. While built-in React hooks like useState, useEffect, and useContext cover many common scenarios, there are cases where creating custom hooks can enhance code organization, readability, and reusability....
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How to handle internationalization with Hooks in React ?
Handling internationalization (i18n) involves using the state to manage the current language and updating the UI based on the selected language. This typically includes creating language files or dictionaries for each supported language and dynamically rendering the content based on the selected language in your components....
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Advantages of using Functional Components in React
Functional components in React are like a quick and easy way to create pieces of your web app. They’re simple, straight to the point, and don’t involve a lot of extra code. Think of them as building blocks that help you put together your app without any unnecessary complications....
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What’s the concept of custom hooks, and why do we use them?
Custom hooks in React are JavaScript functions that utilize built-in React hooks or other custom hooks to encapsulate reusable logic in functional components. They follow a naming convention where the function name starts with “use” (e.g., useCustomHook). Custom hooks allow users to abstract complex logic into reusable units, promoting code reusability and maintainability in React applications....
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