What is the benefit of using useReducer with context?
Using useReducer with context in React allows for centralized state management, predictable state updates through dispatching actions, encapsulated logic for state transitions, optimized performance by preventing unnecessary re-renders, and easier testing due to the pure nature of reducers. This approach promotes cleaner, more maintainable, and efficient code for complex applications....
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What is the purpose of controlled components in form validation?
Controlled components in form validation are like friendly assistants that help you keep track of what’s happening in your form. Imagine them as little helpers who hold onto all the information you put into each input field. They ensure that every time you type something or change an entry, they carefully update and remember it for you. This not only makes sure your form is always up-to-date with what you’ve typed but also helps in spotting any mistakes you might make along the way....
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How to handle data validation with React Hooks ?
Data validation is a critical component of software development that ensures the accuracy, consistency, and suitability of the data that is being processed or stored in a system. It involves implementing checks and constraints to ensure that the data meets certain criteria or standards....
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What are the common deployment platforms for React?
Deploying a React application is an important aspect that makes it accessible to users on the web. There are several deployment platforms and services that simplify the process of hosting and serving React applications....
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What is the purpose of the path module in NodeJS?
The path module in NodeJS provides utilities for working with file and directory paths. It offers methods to manipulate file paths, resolve relative paths, extract file extensions, and more. Here’s why the path module is essential in NodeJS development:...
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Do Hooks replace Redux?
React Hooks and Redux serve different purposes, but they can be used together or independently based on your application’s needs. Redux is a state management library, while React Hooks provides states with a way to manage local state and lifecycle events within functional components....
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Give an example of using useDebugValue to inspect custom hooks?
useDebugValue is a React hook that allows you to display a label for custom hooks in React DevTools. This can be useful for debugging and inspecting custom hooks....
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Presentational and Container Components in React Redux
React Redux is a library that simplifies state management in React applications by providing a centralized store where data can be stored and accessed from any component. It helps keep your code organized and efficient, especially in large-scale projects where the managing state becomes more complex. With React Redux, you can easily connect your React components to the store and update the UI in response to changes in the application state....
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Write a short note on Redux DevTools
Redux DevTools is a browser extension tool that helps developers debug and inspect Redux applications more easily. It provides a user-friendly interface to visualize and manipulate the state of your Redux application during development....
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Which versions of React include Hooks?
React Hooks were introduced in React version 16.8. They were a significant addition to the React library and provided a new way to work with stateful logic and side effects in functional components. Before the introduction of Hooks, stateful logic was primarily managed in class components using the lifecycle methods....
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How to implement pagination in React using Hooks?
Implementing pagination in React using hooks involves managing the state of the current page and the number of items per page, as well as rendering the paginated data accordingly....
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Explain the benefits and limitations of SSR in Redux applications.
SSR in Redux applications means rendering React components on the server side instead of the client’s browser. This helps to speed up initial page loads and ensures that search engines can better understand and index your content. With SSR, users get a faster and more seamless experience when accessing your website or application....
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