How to handle file downloads in Express JS ?
When using ExpressJS, handling file uploads involves receiving files from clients. On the other hand, file downloads refer to serving files to clients. For file uploads, we typically use libraries to handle the file processing. On the other hand, for file downloads, it is common to use NodeJS’s built-in module to read files and serve them to clients....
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How do Styled Components work in terms of styling React components?
Styled Components is a library for React and React Native that allows you to write CSS in your JavaScript code in a more component-oriented way....
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What is routing in React?
Routing in React refers to the process of managing and navigating between different views or pages in a single page application (SPA). Unlike traditional multi-page applications where each page is a separate HTML document, SPAs load a single HTML page and dynamically update the content as the user interacts with the application. React applications commonly use a routing library to handle the navigation and rendering of components based on the URL. The most commonly used routing library for React is React Router....
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Advantages and Disadvantages of using Hooks compared to Class Components.
Hooks are features that React provides us if we want to make functional components while creating a React web app. These features are alternatives to a few lifecycle methods like componentDidMount(), componentDidUpdate(), apart from this it give us more flexibility to write maintainable code....
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Explain the purpose of the express.static middleware in Express JS
The express.static middleware in ExpressJS simplifies serving static files like HTML, CSS, and images, improving performance and enhancing user experience in web applications....
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How to handle environment variables in Node ?
Environment variables are dynamic values that can affect the behavior of NodeJS applications across different environments such as development, staging, and production. Managing environment variables properly is essential for configuring applications, connecting to databases, and controlling application behavior. Here’s how you can handle environment variables in NodeJS effectively:...
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What is Clustering in Node?
Clustering in Node refers to a technique used to enhance the performance and scalability of NodeJS applications by utilizing the capabilities of multi-core systems. With clustering, you can create multiple instances of the NodeJS process, known as workers, each running on a separate CPU core. By distributing the workload across these workers, applications can handle a higher volume of requests and utilize the available system resources more efficiently....
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What is the package.json file in a Node project?
In the NodeJS ecosystem, the package.json file serves as a central hub for managing dependencies, scripts, metadata, and other essential project information. It is a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) file located at the root directory of a NodeJS project, providing vital configuration details and facilitating seamless project management....
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Explain the concept of non-blocking I/O in Node
In traditional synchronous programming models, I/O operations such as reading from a file or making network requests block the execution of the program until the operation completes. This means that if there are multiple I/O operations, they are processed sequentially, leading to potential bottlenecks and wasted resources as the program waits for each operation to finish....
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What is a Progressive Web App (PWA)?
A Progressive Web App (PWA) is a type of web application that uses modern web technologies to provide a user experience similar to that of a native mobile application. PWAs are designed to work seamlessly across various devices and browsers, offering a responsive and engaging user interface. They combine the best of web and mobile app capabilities, providing users with fast, reliable, and immersive experiences....
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What are modules in Node JS ?
In NodeJS, modules are encapsulated units of code that can be reused across different parts of an application. Modules help organize code into smaller, manageable pieces, promote code reusability, and facilitate better maintainability and scalability of NodeJS applications....
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Purpose of the express.Router middleware in Express
express.Router() in ExpressJS is like creating a mini-app within your main app. It helps organize routes and related functionalities, making it easier to manage different parts of your web application separately. express.Router() acts as a path organizer in ExpressJS, helping to structure and manage routes efficiently within a web application....
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