What are the rules of hooks in React, and why are they important?
In React, hooks empower functional components to utilize state and incorporate other React functionalities seamlessly, enabling a more dynamic and concise development approach....
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Explain the benefits of lazy loading
Lazy loading is a technique used in web development, to improve the performance and user experience of an application by loading resources, such as images, scripts, or components, only when they are needed....
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What is the purpose of error boundaries in React?
Error boundaries in React are components that catch JavaScript errors anywhere in their child component tree, log those errors, and display a fallback UI instead of crashing the entire React application. They provide a way to gracefully handle errors that occur during rendering, in lifecycle methods, or constructors of any React component....
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Explain the concept of template engines in Express
Express JS utilizes template engines to seamlessly merge HTML with data, enabling dynamic web page creation. These engines leverage special tags to generate templates filled with data upon page request. Popular options like EJS, Pug, and Handlebars streamline this process, facilitating the efficient development of visually appealing web pages....
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How to handle rollbacks in Redux applications with optimistic updates ?
When using Redux in applications, managing rollbacks with optimistic updates means that we need to handle state changes optimistically before confirming the success of an action with the backend. In case the action fails, the state needs to be rolled back to its previous state to maintain consistency and integrity....
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How do custom hooks help us reuse logic across different components?
Custom hooks in React are functions that encapsulate reusable logic, allowing it to be shared across different functional components. They follow the convention of being named with a prefix of “use” (e.g., useCustomHook). Custom hooks leverage the capabilities of built-in React hooks and other custom hooks to abstract away common patterns or complex behavior into reusable units....
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Explain the benefits and challenges of infinite scrolling in Redux.
Infinite scrolling in Redux means automatically loading more content as you scroll down a webpage or application. Redux manages the state of the content, making sure it’s seamless and efficient for users....
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What are some challenges associated with optimistic updates in React?
Optimistic updates mean updating the state immediately as if an action has succeeded, before confirmation from the server. This gives users instant feedback and makes the application feel more responsive. Later, the actual outcome is handled, and the state is adjusted accordingly....
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Explain the concept of snapshot testing in React.
Snapshot testing is a way to make sure that your user interface (UI) doesn’t unexpectedly change. It’s like taking a picture of your component’s output and saving it as a reference....
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Benefits of SSR in a React application
Server-Side Rendering (SSR) in a React utility offers several advantages, enhancing both the overall performance and user experience of internet packages. Server-side rendering (SSR) is like a restaurant where the chef (server) prepares the whole dish (web page) in the kitchen (server) before bringing it to your table (browser)....
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How can you update the state in React?
In React, you can update the state using the setState method provided by class components or the state updater function returned by the useState hook in functional components. The process is asynchronous, and React will re-render the component to reflect the updated state. Here’s how you can update the state in both class and functional components:...
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Describe the process of setting up SSR with Redux.
Server-side rendering (SSR) involves rendering React components on the server before sending them to the client’s browser. This results in faster initial page loads, better SEO, and improved user experiences....
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