What’s the role of the useContext hook in React Hooks?
The useContext hook in React Hooks allows you to consume values from the React context without needing to explicitly pass props through every level of your component tree....
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What is the purpose of the compression middleware in Express JS ?
Middleware in Express JS is like a set of tools or helpers that helps in managing the process when your web server gets a request and sends a response. Mainly it’s work is to make the ExpressJS framework more powerful and flexible. It allows users to insert additional steps or actions in the process of handling a request and generating a response. It’s like having a toolkit that you can use to adapt how your web server works for specific tasks....
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Explain the role of middleware in authentication and authorization in Redux.
Middleware is a major element in the management of authentication and authorization in Redux applications. It acts as a barrier between actions and reducers, enabling users to intercept actions and enforce security measures. This ensures that only authorized users with appropriate permissions can access certain features or perform specific actions within the application. In this guide, we will explore how middleware helps in authentication and authorization in Redux, thereby contributing to the security and integrity of your application....
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How do you simulate componentWillUnmount with useEffect?
To simulate componentWillUnmount using useEffect in a functional component, you can return a cleanup function inside the useEffect. This cleanup function will be executed when the component is unmounted....
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Common use cases for Higher-Order Components in React
A Higher-Order Component (HOC) is a handy tool in React. It’s like a wrapper for components that can add extra features or modify how they work. So, you use HOCs to excite up your components, making them more versatile without messing up their original code. It’s like giving your components a little upgrade!...
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What is a callback function in Node?
In the context of NodeJS, a callback function is a function that is passed as an argument to another function and is executed after the completion of a specific task or operation. Callbacks are fundamental to the asynchronous nature of NodeJS, allowing for non-blocking operations and enabling efficient handling of I/O-bound tasks....
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Extracting Data with mapStateToProps in React Redux
‘mapStateToProps‘ is a function used to extract data from the Redux store and pass it as props to a React component. It allows you to specify which parts of the Redux store state you want to access within your component. The data extracted using mapStateToProps is injected into the component as props, making it available for use within the component’s render method....
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How to Manage File Uploads in Node ?
Handling file uploads in NodeJS involves receiving files sent from a client-side form, processing them, storing them on the server, or performing additional operations such as validation and manipulation....
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How to handle asynchronous operations in custom hooks?
Custom Hooks in React are reusable JavaScript functions that enable the encapsulation of stateful logic, promoting cleaner and more modular code in components. When dealing with asynchronous operations in custom hooks, you want to ensure your hook can handle tasks that don’t finish immediately, like fetching data from a server or waiting for a user interaction....
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How to write unit tests for React components?
A React component is a small, reusable piece of code that represents a part of a user interface in a web application. Components can contain their own data, logic, and visual elements, making it easy to build complex user interfaces by combining and nesting them together....
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Limitations of Class Components in React
Class Components in React are like the older, more formal way of building things. They involve more code and can be a bit complex compared to the newer, simpler functional components. Think of them as the traditional way of doing things in React....
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What is the Purpose of the Fetch API in React?
The Fetch API in React serves a crucial role in enabling communication between a React application and a server. It provides a way for React components to fetch data from a server or send data to it. Applications often need to interact with servers to retrieve information or update data. The Fetch API simplifies this process by offering a standardized method for making HTTP requests. Whether it’s fetching user details, loading posts, or sending form data to the server, the Fetch API streamlines these operations....
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