How to Escape a Single Quote in SQL ?
Structured Query Language (SQL) is an essential tool for manipulating relational databases in the growing field of data management. Knowing SQL is essential for accurate and effective data manipulation and retrieval regardless of the background of a software developer, a database administrator, or an aspiring data analyst....
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How to Enable SQLite Query Logging?
SQLite is used for its simplicity and flexibility which makes it a popular choice for embedded and small–scale database applications. However, when it comes to debugging, optimizing performance, and auditing, having visibility into the SQL queries executed is important....
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How to Get Multiple Counts With Single Query in PL/SQL?
In PL/SQL, it’s very common that we need to count rows based on the different conditions in the single query. This can be done using conditional aggregation or we also do this with the multiple subqueries within the SELECT statement....
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How to Get the Identity of an Inserted Row in SQL Server
In SQL Server, we can use an Identity column, which will automatically increment the ID value in a table. The Identity column is a unique, sequential, and non-null value for each row in a table. The identity value is auto-incremented using the IDENTITY command. There could be situations when this auto-incremented value of the Identity column may be required....
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MySQL Derived Table
Structured Query Language (SQL) is a powerful tool for managing and querying relational databases, and MySQL is one of the most widely used database management systems. In MySQL, derived tables offer a flexible and efficient way to manipulate and analyze data within a query. In this article, we will get inside the concept of MySQL-derived tables, exploring their syntax, their use cases, and restrictions for Derived tables in My SQL....
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SQLite Autoincrement
SQLite is a serverless database engine written in c programming language. It is one of the most used database engines in our everyday life like Mobile Phones, TV, and so on, etc....
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In SQL, there are situations when we need to alter the way numbers are displayed in databases. Often, We come across situations where we must convert data from one type to another to suit specific requirements or formatting needs. One common transformation task is converting integer (INT) values to strings (VARCHAR) in SQL....
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How to INSERT If Row Does Not Exist in MySQLInsert into a MySQL Table or Update if Exists
In databases, sometimes you want to add new information, but if they’re already there, you might need to update their information. We use the term “upsert” for this dual action of inserting new records or updating existing ones....
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How to Rename a Column in MySQL?
Renaming columns in MySQL is a frequent task to keep data organized and flexible. It helps adjust database layouts to fit new needs without losing information. This article will show you different ways to rename columns in MySQL, making it easier to manage and update your database structure as your requirements change....
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Storage Challenges in the Evolution of Database Architecture
The history of database architecture is an interesting journey marked by significant milestones that have shaped how we store, manage, and interact with data....
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How to Integrate MongoDB Atlas and Segment using MongoDB Stitch
Data integration has become a crucial component of modern business strategies, allowing companies to enhance the power of data for informed decision–making. According to a recent survey, 85% of businesses believe that integrating data across multiple platforms is important for their success....
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How to Create and Test a GitHub Action that Generates Supabase Database Types
Supabase, being built on open–source principles, offers a comprehensive set of tools specifically for working with databases. These tools include real–time data syncing, authentication features, and API generation, allowing developers to rapidly develop robust applications. Database types, or type definitions, are essential for understanding how data is organized within a database....
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