Difference Between findAndModify and Update in MongoDB?
MongoDB, with its flexible document–based data model, offers a range of methods for updating data within collections. Two of the most commonly used methods, findAndModify and update, each has its unique strengths and purposes. Understanding the differences between these methods can significantly impact the efficiency and effectiveness of our MongoDB operations. Let’s understand what is findAndModify and update along with their syntax, examples and so on....
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How Many Documents are in a MongoDB Collection?
In a general context, a document is a written, drawn, or recorded representation of data. In MongoDB, a document is a unit of data storage and follows a JSON-like format with key-value pairs, providing flexibility in storing various data types....
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Cassandra vs DynamoDB: Top Differences
Selecting the correct database solution counts much in developing an app with high scalability and performance. Most commonly, traditional relational databases are not well-suited to manage huge volumes of data and its diversity which is an attribute of modern applications. NoSQL databases come in place here by providing dynamic schemas and horizontal scaling required for contemporary data management....
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What is a Serverless Database?
Technology keeps on advancing at a rapid pace, aiming to find solutions to problems and complete the work more efficiently. Problems arise in every sector, and the Department of Database Management and Deployment is no stranger. To build and deploy applications, developers needed some kind of hardware to deal with the database, whether it was the processing of it or the storage. It required a lot of operational management and hence, consumed a lot of precious time, not to mention the increase in costs of using traditional database systems....
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How to UPDATE Multiple ROWs in a Single Query in MySQL?
In the world of database management efficiency, perfection, accuracy & precision are considered to play a vital role. When it comes to MySQL stands for “Structured Query Language”, MySQL is the most common standardized language used for database management currently....
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Joins are very important for effective data retrieval and analysis. The ‘JOIN‘ clause is used to combine data from two or more tables using the common column between them. In MySql, there are many types of joins like INNER JOIN, OUTER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, FULL JOIN, and SELF JOIN....
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SQLite Dump Command
SQL stands for Structured Query Language, which is the common language (with minor changes) used to manipulate relational databases. It is used to create, store, retrieve, and manipulate databases and tables. SQLite is a lightweight version of SQL with some major changes, it doesn’t have a separate server, it is not a common language, and it can’t connect with databases like Oracle or MySQL server....
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In today’s data-driven world, successful organizations require the ability to process and manipulate data effectively as part of their business foundation. Structured Query Language (SQL) is a powerful tool that enables users to manipulate relational databases. Within SQL, there is an entity where data can be stored, retrieved, and manipulated....
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Alter Table in MariaDB
MariaDB is an open-source RDBMS, that offers an extensive collection of features for handling database structures effectively. One important part of database management is changing tables to meet needs or improve performance. The ALTER TABLE command in MariaDB assists in these changes, allowing users to modify, add, or remove columns, indexes, and constraints. In this article, we will go into the details of ALTER TABLE in MariaDB using various examples....
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SQLite Show Tables
SQLite is a lightweight database library written in C which is used for embedding the database with applications. SQLite is a serverless, lightweight, cross-platform, and highly reliable database engine that provides the standard SQL syntax making it easy to use standalone or integrate with any other programming language. SQLite is used to develop embedded applications and is widely used in small-scale and medium-scale databases....
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How to Efficiently Convert Rows to Columns in PostgreSQL?How to Convert Columns to Rows in PostgreSQL
In short, converting rows to columns in a table can be done for improved readability, better analysis, alignment with tool requirements, and optimization of certain queries. It is a data manipulation technique used to enhance data presentation, facilitate specific analyses, and meet the formatting requirements of reporting tools or applications....
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PL/SQL Statement level Triggers
Statement-level triggers in Oracle databases execute actions for each transaction, responding to various database events like DML and DDL statements, system events, and user interactions. They act as programmed responses to specific table events, enhancing database management and automation....
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