When querying a database in SQLite, there are situations where you need to filter out rows based on conditions that involve another set of values or a subquery. This is where the NOT IN and NOT EXISTS operators come into play....
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MariaDB GROUP BY Clause
An important feature in MariaDB, and SQL in general, is the GROUP BY clause. This article explains the important features of the GROUP BY clause in MariaDB. This article explains you the syntax of the GROUP BY clause and its practical applications. Examples include using the aggregate functions, grouping by single and multiple columns, and using GROUP BY with HAVING clause....
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LIKE Clause in MariaDB
The LIKE clause is a powerful tool in database querying that allows users to perform flexible and dynamic searches based on pattern matching. In MariaDB, the LIKE clause is a valuable asset for searching and retrieving data from tables. The features, syntax, and effective uses of the LIKE clause in MariaDB will all be covered in this article....
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How to Rename a Column Name in MariaDB?
MariaDB is an open-source relational database management system that can be used to create databases, and tables and to query the tables. Anyone who knows how to write SQL queries can use any of the databases like MariaDB or Mysql for the execution of SQL queries. In this article, we will learn about How to rename a column name in MariaDB with the help of various examples and so on....
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Efficient Use of PostgreSQL Indexes
PostgreSQL indexes are powerful tools for improving database performance, but their efficient use requires careful consideration. In this article, we will explore the best practices for utilizing PostgreSQL indexes to optimize query performance....
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GraphQL Federation with Microservices Architecture
In the realm of modern software development, microservices architecture has become a cornerstone for building scalable and maintainable applications. However, as the number of microservices grows within an ecosystem, managing communication between them can pose significant challenges....
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How to Design Database for Fleet Management Systems
Fleet Management Systems (FMS) are important tools for organizations tasked with managing and optimizing their fleet of vehicles efficiently. At the core of every effective Fleet Management System lies a well-designed database architecture capable of handling large amounts of data related to vehicle tracking, maintenance, scheduling, and performance....
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MariaDB Alter Database
MariaDB is an open-source relational database management system. In comparison to MySQL, MariaDB possesses several similar features, including ACID compliance, support for a wide range of storage engines, and availability of different data types. As our data needs develop, the demand to modify our databases will become necessary. In MariaDB, the ALTER DATABASE statement comes out as an effective command for altering existing databases. This article will delve into the different facets of modifying databases in MariaDB, including syntax, frequent contexts, and optimal strategies to ensure smooth database transmutation....
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How to Select Rows with no Matching Entry in Another Table in SQLite?
In database management, selecting rows from one table that does not have matching entries in another table means returning the rows that are present in one table but do not have the same entry in any other table. This scenario often arises in various data validation and analysis processes....
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How to Converting ObjectId to String in MongoDB
In MongoDB, documents are uniquely identified by a field called ObjectId. While ObjectId is a unique identifier for each document, there may be scenarios where you need to convert it to a string format for specific operations or data manipulation. In this article, we’ll delve into the process of converting ObjectId to a string in MongoDB, covering essential concepts and providing beginner-friendly examples with outputs....
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How to Update MongoDB Field Using Value of Another Field
In the NoSQL database, MongoDB is the most robust and flexible option for managing big data. One common problem that occurs when working with MongoDB is to Update the MongoDB field using the value of another field and change data within our database....
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How to Create and Use Enum in Mongoose
Enums in Mongoose play an important role in defining fields that should only accept a limited number of predefined values. They significantly enhance code readability and maintainability by clearly indicating the possible values for a field....
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