How to Design ER Diagrams for Project Management Software
Designing an Entity-Relationship (ER) diagram for project management software involves creating a database schema that can efficiently store and manage project-related information. This includes details about projects, tasks, users, and dependencies between them....
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SQLite is a serverless database engine with almost zero or no configuration headache and provides a transaction DB engine. SQLite provides an in-memory, embedded, lightweight ACID-compliant transactional database that follows nearly all SQL standards. Unlike other databases, SQLite reads and writes the data into typical disk files within the systems. We can use SQLite in our C/C++/Python programs using the SQLite3 API/library....
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MongoDB Query an Array
MongoDB is an open-source document, NoSQL database that stores the data in a document-oriented structure. With the help of MongoDB, we can handle large, complex, and unstructured data efficiently because MongoDB is widely used for Scalability and Flexibility....
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Integrating Elasticsearch with External Data Sources
Elasticsearch is a powerful search and analytics engine that can be used to index, search, and analyze large volumes of data quickly and in near real-time....
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Firebase Phone Authentication
Phone Authentication in Firebase is a secure method of verifying user identities using their phone numbers. It simplifies the sign-in process by sending verification codes via SMS and ensuring that only users with access to the phone number can sign in....
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How to Use PL SQL Insert, Update, Delete And Select Statement?
PL/SQL is a powerful extension of SQL specifically designed for Oracle databases. It enables developers to create procedural logic and execute SQL commands within Oracle database environments. In this article, we will explore the usage of fundamental PL/SQL statements such as INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and SELECT with he help of various examples which are essential for manipulating data in Oracle databases....
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SQL Server Rename Table
In SQL Server, renaming tables is a frequent operation that we often require during database maintenance or schema changes. This article ensures your seamless transition through the table-renaming process without compromising data integrity. it provides comprehensive guidance and guarantees protection for your valuable information – all in pursuit of an unimpeachable database management strategy....
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Multi-tenant Application Database Design
In the digital age, businesses are increasingly adopting multi–tenant architectures to serve multiple customers or tenants from a single application instance. This approach offers cost efficiency, scalability, and streamlined management. However, designing a robust database schema for multi–tenant applications requires careful consideration of various factors....
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SQL Server Max Function Takes Two Values Like Math.Max in .NET
In SQL Server 2022, the GREATEST() function simplifies finding the maximum value among a set of parameters. However, for older versions without this function, we explore alternative approaches akin to the Math.Max() function in .NET. This article presents the syntax of GREATEST() and introduces three alternative methods: using a User-Defined Function (UDF), employing the CASE statement, and leveraging the IIF function....
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In the expansive realm of SQL Server, the UPDATE JOIN operation emerges as a potent tool for modifying data within tables by combining information from multiple sources. Unlike a traditional UPDATE statement that modifies a single table, UPDATE JOIN enables the modification of records based on conditions involving multiple tables. This capability proves invaluable when you need to synchronize or manipulate data across interconnected tables....
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SQLite is a server-less database engine and it is written in c programming language. It is developed by D. Richard Hipp in the year 2000. The main moto for developing the SQLite is to escape from using the complex database engines like MYSQL.etc. It has become one of the most popular database engines as we use it in Television, Mobile Phones, web browsers, and many more. It is written simply so that it can be embedded into other applications....
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How to Design ER Diagrams for Online Gaming Platforms
Designing an ER (Entity–Relationship) diagram for online gaming platforms is an important step in developing a robust and efficient database structure. This diagram serves as a blueprint, illustrating the relationships between various entities such as users, games, transactions, virtual items, and multiplayer teams....
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