SQL – Show Databases
In the dynamic scene of database management, it is important to have a good insight into the available databases for effective administration and development tasks. SHOW DATABASES command is designed to present all databases located on the server....
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SQL Server DIFFERENCE() Function
SQL Server DIFFERENCE() function compares two different SOUNDEX values and returns an integer. This integer value measures the degree to which the SOUNDEX values match, on a scale of 0 to 4....
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Building GraphQL APIs with PostgreSQL
GraphQL and PostgreSQL are powerful technologies that play important roles in modern web development. GraphQL a query language for APIs, revolutionizes how clients interact with servers by allowing them to request specific data. On the other hand, PostgreSQL, an advanced relational database management system, offers reliability, performance and extensive features for storing and managing data. In this article, We will learn about GraphQL, PostgreSQL, also Creating a GraphQL API with PostgreSQL with the practical implementation in detail and so on....
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How to Design ER Diagrams for Online Banking and Financial Services
In today’s digital age, online banking and financial services have revolutionized the way individuals and businesses manage their finances. With the convenience of mobile apps and the security of complex database systems, online banking has become an essential part of everyday life....
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How to Design a Relational Database for Online Event Ticketing and Registration
Online event ticketing and registration platforms have become essential tools for organizing and managing various events, ranging from concerts and conferences to workshops and seminars. A well-structured database tailored to the specific needs of this industry is crucial for handling ticket sales, attendee registrations, event details, and more....
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Encrypt Communication (TLS/SSL) in MongoDB
TLS (Transport Layer Security) and SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) are cryptographic protocols used to secure communication over a computer network. They encrypt data transmitted between a client and a server protecting it from unauthorized access. MongoDB a popular NoSQL database supports TLS/SSL to ensure data confidentiality and integrity during transmission....
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Scaling Elasticsearch Horizontally: Understanding Index Sharding and Replication
Horizontal scaling, also known as scale-out architecture involves adding more machines to improve its performance and capacity. Elasticsearch is designed to scale horizontally by distributing its workload across multiple nodes in a cluster....
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Elasticsearch Multi Index Search
In Elasticsearch, multi-index search refers to the capability of querying across multiple indices simultaneously. This feature is particularly useful when you have different types of data stored in separate indices and need to search across them in a single query. In this article, we’ll explore what multi-index search is, why it’s important, and how to use it effectively with practical examples....
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How to Design ER Diagrams for Supply Chain Management
In the fast-paced world of supply chain management, efficiency and accuracy are key to success. Designing an effective database system to manage inventory, orders, suppliers, logistics, and more is important for fast operations and staying ahead of the competition. In this article, we’ll explore how to design an ER diagram for a supply chain management system, focusing on key features and best practices to create a robust and efficient database model....
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How to Design a Database for Ride-Sharing and Carpooling Services
Ride-sharing and carpooling services have become widely popular because of their convenience and affordability. To effectively manage such services a well-designed relational database is essential. They offer a convenient, cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional transportation methods....
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How to Get Size of MaiaDB Database?
MariaDB is an open-source relational database management system that is a subset of MySQL which is based on SQL(Structured query language). It is an improved version of MySQL and has various features, security, and performance when compared to MySQL....
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Grouping Data with ROLLUP in PostgreSQL
In database management, reducing and compressing data is one of the most significant jobs. PostgreSQL, which is an open-source, stable relational database management system, boosts many features that are meant to help in this regard....
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