How to Find Duplicates in MongoDBHow to Find Duplicates in MongoDB?
Duplicates in a MongoDB collection can lead to data inconsistency and slow query performance. Therefore, it’s essential to identify and handle duplicates effectively to maintain data integrity....
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MongoDB ACID Transactions
MongoDB ACID transactions are fundamental for ensuring data integrity in database transactions. In MongoDB, ACID properties play a crucial role in maintaining the reliability and consistency of data operations....
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Mongoose Vs MongoDB
MongoDB and Mongoose are both important components in the area of Node.js and MongoDB development, but they serve different purposes. MongoDB is a NoSQL database that stores data in a flexible, schema-less format, while Mongoose is an Object Data Modeling (ODM) library that provides a schema-based solution for modeling MongoDB data in Node.js applications....
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MongoDB Terminology
MongoDB is Open Source, Document-oriented, and Schema which means we don’t need to worry about the structure before inserting data into the database. It is a NoSQL database. It stores data in a non-tabular format. Using NoSQL, we can maintain flexible schemas and these schemas can be scaled easily with large amounts of data....
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How to Creating Mongoose Schema with an Array of ObjectID
In Mongoose, a powerful MongoDB object modeling tool for Node.js, schemas define the structure of documents within a collection. Sometimes, you may need to create a schema with an array of ObjectIDs to represent relationships between documents in different collections. This article will explain how to create a Mongoose schema with an array of ObjectIDs, covering essential concepts and providing beginner-friendly examples with outputs....
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How to Changing the Primary Key in MongoDB Collection
In MongoDB, the primary key uniquely identifies each document within a collection. While MongoDB automatically assigns a primary key using the _id field, there may be scenarios where we need to change the primary key to a different field or value....
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MongoDB Aggregation $lookup
The $lookup operator in MongoDB is a powerful tool for performing join-like operations between documents from two collections. It allows us to perform join operations which are defined by documents from one collection with data from another collection based on a specified matching condition....
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MongoDB Drop Database
In MongoDB, dropping a database means deleting the entire database along with all its associated collections (tables in relational databases). This action permanently removes all data stored within that database. It’s crucial to exercise caution when dropping a database as this cannot be undone....
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How to Export JSON from MongoDB using Robo 3T
Robo 3T is a popular graphical user interface (GUI) tool for MongoDB that allows users to interact with their MongoDB databases visually. One useful feature of Robo 3T is the ability to export data in JSON format, making it easy to share or analyze MongoDB data outside of the database environment....
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Where Does MongoDB Stand in the CAP Theorem?
MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database, aligns with the principles of the CAP theorem while offering flexibility in consistency models. The CAP theorem states that in a distributed data store, you can only achieve two out of three guarantees: consistency, availability, and partition tolerance. MongoDB prioritizes availability and partition tolerance, offering eventual consistency by default. However, it also provides mechanisms for stronger consistency, such as replica sets and transactions, making it well-suited for distributed environments....
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How to Print to Console an Object in a MongoDB Script?
MongoDB queries can sometimes be slow, especially when dealing with large datasets or complex queries. So there are some methods or approaches that allow the developers to check the data and spot mistakes during the program run....
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How to Properly Reuse Connection to MongoDB Across NodeJs
Efficiently managing database connections is important for Node.js applications using MongoDB. MongoDB connection reuse in Node.js is a practice that optimizes resource utilization and enhances application performance....
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